Το Σαββατοκύριακο 11 & 12 Ιανουαρίου πραγματοποιήθηκαν Αγώνες Αναρρίχησης στην πίστα της Κυπριακής Ομοσπονδίας Αθλητικής Αναρρίχησης και Προσανατολισμού (ΚΟΜΟΑΑΠ), η οποία στεγάζεται στο κλειστό γήπεδο του […]
For on-sight rock climbing competitions, climbers must attempt the routes with no previous knowledge of the route or sequences. This is accomplished by holding the climbers in […]
Prior to each on-sight indoor rock-climbing competition, climbers are given the opportunity to preview the route. The Differences between climbers like size, strength, technique, weight, experience make […]
The goal is to “peak” your performance level on the day of the competition. To do this you should begin specific preparation activities about two-months prior to […]
There are many types of climbing competitions: Bouldering, red point, on-sight, and speed climbing. Each type of competition can be done effectively on an indoor rock […]
What is Competitive Rock Climbing for Kids? COMPETITIONS, BOULDERING, SPORT CLIMBING (ROPES), SPEED CLIMBING Rock climbing is no longer an activity just for dirtbags living in […]