Indoor Climbing Championship 2020 Final Results
February 24, 2020Προκήρυξη Θέσης Καταφυγέα- Κυπριακής Ομοσπονδίας Ορειβασίας, Αγωνιστικής Αναρρίχησης & Προσανατολισμού (Κ.ΟΜ.Ο.Α.Α.Π.)
October 6, 2022The UIAA Mountaineering Commission has approved a proposal to develop a standardized, international system of collecting and analyzing accidents to better identify areas where safety and training can be improved, and help insurance companies better understand risk in mountain activities.
The project which will track accidents of both mountaineers and non-mountaineers is the brainchild of Professor Chiaki Aoyama (Japan) who has been working on developing an international accident reporting structure for four years.
If we can achieve the standardized mountain accident database in the world, we can weigh the characteristics of mountain accidents in each country,” said Chiaki. “The results will save mountaineers life. And it will be used as the credibility of the technique of training standard.
Participating groups for the project include UIAA member federations, rescue teams, and associations or authority groups that have as their goal mountain safety.
The injury no matter the seriousness it can be submitted to the data base and be very helpful to the end result.